Vince Vos

Since 2012, Vince has been part of Rijppaert & Peeters Advocaten. Fully specialized in labor law, he represents both employers and employees. With his extensive knowledge and (litigation) experience in labor, he is a dedicated legal expert and strategist. Within the Labor Law practice group, he has further developed his expertise, particularly in dismissal cases and matters concerning sick employees.

Vince is a member of the VAAN, a specialization association exclusively open to experienced labor law attorneys.

He generally prefers to resolve disputes outside of court. However, if your needs are not met during negotiations, he does not hesitate to litigate. In addition to advising, negotiating, consulting, and litigating in labor law, he regularly conducts Mast&rclasses for our firm's clients as part of ongoing education. These sessions provide large employers with insights into the latest developments in labor law, along with practical and strategic advice.

Sick employee

As previously mentioned, one of Vince's key specializations is addressing issues related to "sick employees." Whether you are an employer or an HR professional, you are in capable hands with him. Vince has successfully assisted numerous large and small companies and organizations in achieving significant cost savings by guiding employers through the first two years of an employee's illness, countering wage sanctions imposed by the UWV, and successfully challenging UWV decisions that result in substantial differentiated premiums due to employer-attributable sick pay (ZW) and work disability (WGA) benefits.

Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Nederland (VAAN)

In the spring of 2018, Vince deepened his expertise in labor law by successfully completing the Post-Academic Course in Labor Law. Since then, he has been a member of the Association of Labor Lawyers in the Netherlands (VAAN).

Additionally, Vince is active in the field of social security law. In this area, he represents employers, employees, and benefit recipients. He frequently advises and litigates in cases related to sickness benefits (ZW) and work disability benefits (WIA) before the UWV, district courts, and the Central Appeals Tribunal (CrvB) in objection and appeal proceedings.

Whether in labor law or social security law, Vince provides expert support to both employers and individuals, ensuring your case is in exceptionally capable hands.

With my winning mentality, legal expertise, and thoroughness, I achieve excellent results.

- Vince Vos

Registration with the Dutch Bar Association

In the legal practice areas register of the Dutch Bar Association, Vince is registered under the following principal practice area:

– Labor Law

Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten education points annually in this registered practice area in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association. As a member of the VAAN, this requirement is increased to sixteen education points per calendar year.

Navigate to labor law

Memberships/additional roles

- Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Nederland (VAAN)

VAAN is a prestigious specialization association. Membership is exclusively open to experienced employment law attorneys who have successfully completed a VAAN-recognized specialization course in employment law and demonstrably pursue annual continuing education.

- Lecturer in Employment Law & Social Security Law at IVA Courses in Utrecht

Navigate to the VAAN website

How can I help you?

Need advice on labor law? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

View the latest articles by Vince Vos here

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We keep you informed about the latest news and developments in labor law through our articles and social media channels.

25 January, 2023 door
Vince Vos

Uitspraak - Omzetting van een WGA-uitkering in een IVA-uitkering

Definitief arbeidsongeschikt of in de toekomst nog wel (deels) inzetbaar voor werk? Omzetting van WGA uitkering naar IVA uitkering nog niet zo makkelijk. Lees hier meer.

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12 July, 2022 door
Vince Vos

Deel II: De risico’s van een benadelingshandeling

Lees hier meer over de risico’s die een werkgever loopt bij het aangaan van een vaststellingsovereenkomst ter beëindiging van de arbeidsovereenkomst van een werknemer tijdens ziekte.

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12 July, 2022 door
Vince Vos

Deel I: De risico’s van een benadelingshandeling

Een zieke werknemer mag gedurende de eerste twee ziektejaren niet akkoord gaan met een einde van zijn arbeidsovereenkomst. Mocht u dit toch willen als werkgever? Lees dan deze blog en neem tijdig contact op!

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9 November, 2021 door
Vince Vos

Verstand van werkgeverszaken N°14 – deel II – Wetenschap en bewustwording voor werkgevers cruciaal bij (toerekening van) ZW-uitkeringen

In mijn vorige artikel (deel I) heb ik aandacht gevraagd voor meer bewustwording voor werkgevers die met enige regelmaat worden geconfronteerd met (ex-)werknemers die aanspraak maken op een ZW-uitkering. De financiële gevolgen voor middelgrote- en grote w

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9 November, 2021 door
Vince Vos

Verstand van werkgeverszaken N°14 – deel I – meer bewustwording voor werkgevers cruciaal bij ZW-uitkeringen

Een deel van de werkgevers is er inmiddels mee bekend dat op het moment dat een werknemer aanspraak maakt op een Ziektewetuitkering (ZW) dit mogelijk consequenties kan hebben voor de te betalen premie in het kader van de Werkhervattingskas (Whk). …

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